10 Lines From Comics Too Weird To Be True

9. "Time For A Man, Don’t You Think?"

Joker Boner
DC Comics

While Hercules hasn’t always had the nicest of characterisations, this is maybe him at his most insufferable. It’s as though the writing team were given explicit instruction to make him as much of a gross jock stereotype as possible, and then they all worked overtime making that dream an awful reality.

The character is equally as unbearable in the rest of his time in the Wonder Woman comic – totally forgoing helping his fellow heroes to instead try and murder dudes – but it’s this intro line that seems the most irritating.

Of the possible dumb moves in the DC universe, saying women are somehow inferior directly to Wonder Woman is definitely a high-key dumb moment.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.