10 Marvel Characters More Powerful Than Captain Marvel

9. Silver Surfer

Rogue Captain Marvel
Marvel Comics

For the delivery boy of the Marvel Universe, Silver Surfer sure has a decent set of powers on him - although tragically, none of them involve bringing you a piping hot pizza.

Not only can the Surfer survive off of energy alone, he can also channel it into an attack that is suggested to be able to create black holes and level planets, putting it at a pretty intense power level. The Surfer is also capable of controlling the astral plane, but this is a power whose existence depends on who is writing it, and thus doesn't majorly factor in to considering how powerful the Silver Surfer is.

Combine this with his mental control over his nigh-indestructible board, and you have some serious competition for Captain Marvel on your hands. The board is important in this, as the Surfer can temporarily trap people inside this board, in a power that could easily end the vast majority of fights.

While the Silver Surfer isn't the first person to throw himself into a fight, his powers mean he can end the vast majority of them.


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