10 Marvel Characters More Powerful Than Captain Marvel

8. Hulk

Rogue Captain Marvel
DC Comics

Hulk is perhaps a controversial character to place as more powerful than Captain Marvel, as he is often underestimated in terms of power levels of the Avengers - in no small part because Hulk is often the punching bag through which other characters show how strong they are.

However, Hulk has canonically defeated Captain Marvel before in the comics - once punching her into space, and once with her only being saved by moon Knight from being crushed.

Although Marvel has a wider range of powers, the sheer level of Hulk's strength and the amount of damage he can take lands him head and shoulders more physically powerful than Captain Marvel.

With Immortal Hulk even having Carol outright state that the jolly green giant is far more powerful than her, it's pretty much solidified that comic universe Hulk is far more powerful - even if the MCU might have a different scenario.


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