10 Marvel Characters More Powerful Than Captain Marvel

2. Galactus

Rogue Captain Marvel
Marvel Comics

Galactus is the white bread of the powerful Marvel characters, in that, when a powerful character needs to appear, nine times out of ten it's Galactus. He was created as a sort of god for the Marvel universe, and backs this status up with a unreal amount of simply insane powers.

Because he's an immortal embodiment of the cosmos, Galactus doesn't really have proper power limitations, meaning he is capable of things such as bringing destroyed planets back to life, creating life, and destroying entire solar systems.

It's all very cleverly done, as it makes Galactus feel more like a force of nature than any regular kind of villain, and really drives home just how big a threat he is supposed to be.

Although Galactus is no stranger to the occasional defeat, generally at the hands of Squirrel Girl, he's easily one of the most powerful entities in the Marvel universe, so it's not too crazy to say that Captain Marvel might not measure up in comparison.


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