10 Marvel Heroes With Surprisingly Tragic Origins

6. Broo

Skin X-Men
Marvel Comics

Being hated by your entire species for caring about people sounds like the worst time possible. This being your life for your entire upbringing sounds even worse, which means it's safe to say that Broo - a Broodling who was hated by his kind for wanting things like friendship and compassion - has one of the sadder backstories of the Marvel universe.

Worse yet, the only reason Broo wasn't immediately killed in the first place is because the Broodling population was at an unusual low, meaning that the Brood Queen decided to leave the tiny alien alive until their species was once more abundant, which is maybe the saddest reason to not be killed ever,

Mercifully, Broo is rescued by the X-Men and brought home to the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, where he could live out his life amongst people who valued him for his kind and caring nature, instead of hating him.


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