10 Marvel Heroes With Surprisingly Tragic Origins

4. Mr. Immortal

Skin X-Men
Marvel Comics

Although being immortal sounds like maybe the coolest power ever, it's worth remembering that it's a power that can generally only be discovered in tragic ways - such as the case of Craig Hollis, who discovered he was unable to die after several suicide attempts.

And this isn't even the most tragic part of Hollis' backstory, as his life before discovering his powers was even sadder. When his mother passed away in childbirth, the spirit who took her - named Deathurge - became a sort of guardian angel for the young Hollis, spending time with him and making sure his childhood wasn't spent mourning the loss of one of his parents. But, as the name suggests, Deathurge also convinced Craig to get into many, many dangerous situations, culminating in him convincing the boy to burn down his childhood home - which would lead to the death of his father.

With all this in mind, it's all the more impressive that Mr. Immortal is so cheery after all that's happened to him - although that might have something to do with the oxygen cutting from his brain every time he dies.


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