10 Marvel Heroes You Won't Believe Defeated Hulk

8. Storm

Hulk Storm
Marvel Comics

Storm is one of the most powerful and straight up best X-Men ever to exist. She's even led the team for multiple decades, and yet is seemingly underestimated by opponents and even some readers. This, even after she's taken down the Shadow King, and illustrated just how powerful she is pretty much every year.

All that said, it's one thing to take down the Shadow King and defeat the Morlocks. It's another thing entirely to take down the Incredible Hulk.

Storm encountered the Hulk during the infamous Onslaught saga of the nineties, and it was a messy confrontation. The previous issue had seen Onslaught (the combined evil form of Professor Xavier and Magneto) capture Cable and it was down to Storm to save the day, which she does - unsurprisingly - by harnessing the elements.

After using the wind to force the Hulk to inhale a gas fired by Cable, Storm launches the mother of all lightning bolts to totally incapacitate him. This actually leaves Banner dead, meaning Storm has to summon another lightning strike to revive the doctor, once Cable has severed the link between him and Onslaught.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.