10 Marvel Heroes You Won't Believe Defeated Hulk

3. Spider-Man

Hulk vs Spider-Man
Marvel Comics

Spider-Man's most famous encounter with one of Marvel's strongest characters came in 1982's Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut, which pitted the web-slinger against the X-Men villain of the same name. Ever since, Spidey has made a habit of overcoming the odds and upsetting characters similar in scale to Cain Marko - one such being the Hulk.

Bruce Banner's alter-ego has crossed paths with Spider-Man on plenty of occasions, but Spidey's strategies in those scenarios have always been to delay and disrupt - to divert the Hulk's attention from heavy population centres until the big guns can come in and either A: make the situation worse, or B; try to calm him down.

He's never really been one to match Banner blow for blow, and you can see why, given if he did try to fight the Hulk on his terms, it'd be like throwing a jaguar into the ocean to kill a great white shark.

Thankfully Peter is much smarter, and he only actually decided to fight the Hulk head-on when he was gifted with the power cosmic in The Amazing Spider-Man #328. He literally sends the Hulk (albeit in his grey form) into orbit with one punch. Go Spidey!

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.