10 Massively Underrated Marvel Villains

9. The Spot

Spider Man Spot
The Walt Disney Company

Often used as a joke character, the Spot is another villain who is rarely used to his full potential.

Doctor Jonathan Ohnn was a scientist who created a portal to another dimension. Stepping through the portal, he discovered a world filled with similar round black holes. The portals then stuck themselves to him, transforming him into the Spot.

Spot has the power to create portals which allow him (or parts of his body) to travel through "Spotworld". While he is often portrayed as an idiot, this power actually makes him incredibly dangerous. He can attack from absolutely any direction and doesn't even need to be close to his opponent to do it. A common strategy of his is to surround his enemies with portals and send punches and kicks through random ones. It's a move that even Spider-Man's spidey-sense can't defend against.

An example of how Spot can be incredible is Amazing Spider-Man #589. In the issue, Spot returned from Spotworld to find that his son had been accidentally hospitalised by a drive-by shooting. He then exacted a brutal revenge on the Russian Mafia, his hands appearing from nowhere to snap gangsters' necks.

When Spidey tried to stop him, he used the portals on his body to redirected the wall crawler's punch back towards his own face.


I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.