10 Messed Up Superman Storylines You Won't Believe Exist

9. Superman/Doomsday: Hunter And Prey

Superman Comic
DC Comics

Doomsday's introduction comic, The Death of Superman, is one of the most iconic Superman storylines to date, infamous for the dark plot containing the demise of the Man of Steel.

But as it turns out, this is not the darkest story containing Doomsday by a long shot. Enter the Hunter and Prey series, which details the frankly nightmarish details of Doomsday's creation. As it turns out, the rock-man was once an innocent baby, who was made the subject of cruel experiments by a scientist named Bertron. Bertron would send the infant out into the wilds of Krypton to have the child die at the hands of the dangerous creatures that lived there, only to gather its remains and then create it again, slowly evolving the creature to survive in the hostile environment.

However, this cloning process also provided Doomsday with the memories of his various deaths, driving him insane and making him hate all lifeforms. You almost can't blame him, given his childhood playschool basically taught him that everything about life is suffering.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.