10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Deadpool

5. He's Not A Mutant

Deadpool Marvel Comics Cover
Marvel Comics

With healing factor coming out the wazoo, it's easy to think that Deadpool is, like Wolverine, a fully blown mutant. But that really doesn't seem to be the case.

Mutants are born with their abilities, which usually manifest themselves around the time that they hit puberty, but Wade's powers were given to him after he joined the Weapon X program to help cure his cancer.

This was a healing factor that was taken from Wolverine when he was part of the same program, and though he is considered a mutate, he's certainly not a full-blown mutant.

He occasionally refers to himself as such, but this is normally only done in the presence of a member of the X-Men, as he knows how much it winds them up to do so as they treat that word as sacred.

Add into the mix that his backstory changes at a whim, depending on who's writing him at the time, and his continuity can be all over the place at times. It's basically down to whoever is in charge of his book that month, and it's pretty much safe to say that Deadpool's mutant ability is something that was forced upon him, instead of something that he was born with.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.