10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Deadpool

4. Telepathy Has No Effect On Him

Deadpool Marvel Comics Cover
Marvel Comics

Deadpool's mind is a complete and utter mess. With so many voices trying to fight for their right to be heard, it's no wonder that Wade Wilson is a fruit cake, and when you take into account the number of pop culture references that seem to live in there as well, it's no surprise he's so broken.

But madness seems to be one of his greatest superpowers as it makes him utterly immune to telepaths.

During the 2008 run of Deadpool, issue #50, the Merc with the Mouth approaches X-Force, which is made up of Fantomex, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Psylocke, seeking their help.

When this is treated with a certain amount of skepticism from Logan, Psylocke attempts to read his mind to see what his true intentions are. She is met with a cacophony of sound as the voices in his brain are just babbling away about a load of random things, leaving her unable to figure out what he really wants. And this wasn't the only time.

When the demon Xaphan attempts to take over Wade's body, so he can wreak havoc on the world, it's Deadpool's voices that kick him out before his mind meld can take control.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.