10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Deadpool

2. He's Killed Everybody

Deadpool Marvel Comics Cover
Marvel Comics

Life for Wade Wilson has never been easy. First off, there was his cancer, then there was how his body rejected it due to the introduction of his healing factor - leaving him with the kind of face that not even a mother could love - then there's the side effect it caused which was to drive him totally insane, and then... well, you get the idea.

Somewhere along the line, he became self-aware and realized that he was nothing more than a comic book character and that it was due to writers that his life was such an epic disaster. So, Wade being Wade, he decided that the only way to end his misery was to kill off comics altogether by, quite literally, killing them off.

He's murdered the entire Marvel Universe, not once but twice. He's also killed off every famous character in literature, including Sherlock Holmes, Beowulf, and Mulan, as well as taking out every alternative version of himself that littered the Marvel-Verse.

Obviously, not one of his genocidal spree's bore fruit, as Deadpool is still alive and kicking out new comics every month, but you can't blame a guy for trying.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.