10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Deadpool

1. His Relationship With Wolverine Is Based On The Movie Twins

Deadpool Marvel Comics Cover
Marvel Comics

One of the biggest reasons behind Deadpool's success is his sense of humor. If he had just been the usual, morose, character that nineties-era Marvel had a penchant for, then he wouldn't have lasted very long and certainly would never have become the global phenomenon that he is today.

With such a smart mouth comes the ability to annoy everyone he comes in contact with. Hero or villain, Wade only has to spend a small amount of time in their company before he drives them up the wall. And no-one gets more irritated at his antics than Wolverine.

Over on Vulture's article, it is explained that Rob Liefield wanted Deadpool to be Weapon 9 "...Like, before they made an omelette, they broke a lot of eggs, and Deadpool is one of the eggs that they broke."

He also compared the relationship between Wade and Logan as similar to that of the movie Twins, which in itself is pretty horrifying if you think about it. Thank God we had Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds cast as the two, instead of Schwarzenegger and DeVito.

it's not possible that the world could have ever been prepared for that.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.