10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Justice League Unlimited

4. It Brought John Stewart Back Into Comics

Justice League Unlimited
Warner Bros.

Nowadays, when you think of the Green Lantern, you likely think of the team - as if there's one of them, the rest are likely soon to follow.

But when the cartoon was airing, this was very much not the case. Hal Jordan and John Stewart were nowhere to be seen, with Kyle Rayner instead taking the lead.

However, Jon would still feature in the Justice League cartoons, where he would gain a not inconsiderable fanbase. Noticing this, DC would bring him back into the comics universe, where he would still generally be overshadowed by Jordan and Rayner - but he would still get his moments of glory here and there.

As such, Stewart can be added to the vast collection of people who owe their comic appearances to cartoon shenanigans, and we can only thank shows like Justice League for that.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.