10 Mistakes Non-Comic Book Fans Make About Comic Books

8.Thinking All Superheroes Dress The Same

Every time there is a reference to comic book superhero costumes, it always comes down to lycra and a cape - but that isn't how all superheroes dress at all. In fact, some superheroes wear neither lycra or a cape. Iron Fist, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Ghost Rider, Hellboy and John Constantine - just a few examples of some very well-known superheroes who wear costumes/outfits that completely defy the notion that, in order to patrol the streets and rid the world of villainy, you have to do it dressed like Superman, Batman or Spider-Man. Martial arts outfits, powered armours, leather jackets, trench coats and everyday clothes are all worn by some of the most powerful and most popular superheroes in comics. Don't be fooled in to thinking otherwise by stereotyping!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.