10 Mistakes Non-Comic Book Fans Make About Comic Books

7. Thinking Comic Books Are Just Superhero Stories

One misconception that non-fans have about comic books is that they solely focus on stories about the likes of Superman and Batman - costumed heroes patrolling the streets and the cosmos, putting a stop to the dastardly plans of hooded villains with crazy laughs and high-tech machinery - they couldn't be more wrong. Think of some of your favourite movies and television shows. Does the list include The Walking Dead? Does it include 300? Sin City? Red? 30 Days of Night? Painkiller Jane? All of those productions were based on comic books - and none of them are about "superheroes". For an ongoing example, look no further than either Image Comics' "Saga" comics or Vertigo's "The Wake". Both are nothing short of masterpieces and neither are about traditional superheroes.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.