10 Moments Marvel Have Chosen To Ignore

8. Professor Xavier Was In Love With Jean Grey

Nightcrawler Child Of Satan
Marvel Comics

Professor Charles Xavier is one of the most the questionable "heroes" in the history of comics. While presented as a benevolent father figure with a liberal dream of inclusion and integration between two separate cultures, he is also a bit of a bastard.

Some of his greatest hits include the following: The time he faked his death before running off into space with his girlfriend, leaving his adopted family grieving and lost. The time he used his incredible psychic powers to destroy the mind of his best friend, leaving him in a vegetative state. The time he killed his twin sister while they were both in the womb. Leading a team of untrained children to their deaths and then wiping everyone's minds of the event, including the brother of one of the victims and then trying again with another group.

There's more, but you get the idea.

The one event that doesn't get talked about all the much however happened just before the "Onslaught" mega-event when Jean grey entered Charles Xavier's mind to find out the true identity of the villain. To the surprise of no one, it turned out to be Xavier himself. Fortunately, for Jean and everyone else all hell broke loose moments later, and she would have no time to dwell on the dark secrets that she was shown inside the mind of her mentor and father figure.

Namely that for some time, he had been in love with Jean Grey. A woman he had lured away from her parents as a child. To his private school. Where he would explore the deepest recesses of her mind. So he could teach her how to use her "gifts". Yeah, nothing creepy there.


Kevin McHugh is a code-monkey by day and a purveyor of the unpleasant by night. Having had several comics published by Future Quake Press he is now moving into prose. An avid fan of punk rock, cheap horror movies and even cheaper fast-food Kevin can be found pontificating either on Twitter or over at WhatCulture Comics where he is a regular contributor. He lives in Edinburgh with his wife and two daughters.