10 More Most Inappropriate DC Comics Storylines Ever

5. Batman Abuses Silver St. Cloud

Batman Nightwing Tarantula
DC Comics

There have been many different iterations of Batman over the years, and together they have earned him the right to be firmly in the conversation of DC’s greatest ever hero. Possibly the greatest superhero ever. However, his history hasn’t been without some road bumps.

One of these comes from a surprising source in Kevin Smith. He is notoriously a huge comic book fan, and has created some stellar projects in and around the comic book world, but his Batman: The Widening Gyre run is considered by many to be one of the worst Batman stories ever.

The Caped Crusader is essentially relegated to being a useless hero who completely overestimates his own abilities, and occasionally soils himself all while for some reason spilling the beans on his secret identity to his latest nemesis. That’s not even close to the worst of it.

Bruce Wayne’s unrivalled ability to sabotage his own relationships is almost legendary, but in Smith’s story he took things way too far and outright physically abused Silver St. Cloud. His paranoia drove him to think she may be a robot, and so he gets rough with her and physically hurts her. Not exactly what you want to see from your favourite hero, is it?


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.