10 More Most Inappropriate DC Comics Storylines Ever

4. The Murder Of Arthur Curry Jr.

Batman Nightwing Tarantula
DC Comics

Death is always going to be a big part of comic book stories. Whether civilian casualties, collateral damage, or victims of the villain, death, or even just the threat of it, is often what drives the hero to actually take any action. However, there are levels to this.

There are lines that just shouldn’t be crossed but all too often are. In this case, it is the murder of Aquaman’s infant son, Aquababy, at the hands of Black Manta. Yes, Black Manta is a villain, but this is going way too far.

This scene felt like something out of a sick horror movie, or an episode of Black Mirror. Black Manta held Aquababy in a sphere, slowly suffocating him by filling it with air. The infant wouldn’t be saved until either Aquaman or Aqualad killed the other.

The result? Aquaman tried to kill Aqualad but ultimately ended up holding the corpse of his very small son in his arms. There are a lot of images that are tough to look at, but this is certainly near the top of that pile. Who could possibly ever want to read a story like this?


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.