10 More Most Inappropriate Marvel Comics Storylines Ever

6. X-23's Teenage Prostitute Origin

The Punisher Black
Marvel Comics

What some may not know, is X-23 was first introduced in the X-Men: Evolution animated series in 2003. There, she was shown as a Wolverine clone engineered to wipe out Logan. By the time of her comic book bow the following year, a murkier, more questionable element was added to the formative days of young Laura Kinney.

That first comic book appearance came in NYX, where rather than going straight from a Weapon X lab to meeting and eventually trusting the X-Men, X-23 was first seen working as a teenage prostitute who specialised in dealing with clients with all kinds of creepy, torturous tastes.

Working for a sinister pimp named Zebra Daddy, the decision to bring Laura into the comics in such a way was at best questionable, at worst outright ridiculous. In fact, it's a testament to the X-23 character and writers Craig Kyle, Kyle Yost and Marjorie Liu for getting Laura back on track in the comics and making her such a beloved figure - a million miles away from that NYX debut penned by Joe Quesada.

In particular, it was Kyle and Yost's excellent six-part Innocence Lost series of 2005 that showcased X-23's true origin that saw Laura's creation and subsequent struggles as she became an established part of the main 616 canon.

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