10 Most Awkward Moments In DC Comics History

2. Speedy Is Revealed To Be A Junkie - Green Lantern #85 (1971)

Wonder Woman Power Girl
DC Comics

When Green Arrow is injured by a group of junkies, he asks his best friend, Green Lantern, to assist him in taking them down. When they discover one of the drug dealer's pads, Arrow finds his sidekick, Roy Harper AKA Speedy, amongst the criminals.

He naturally assumes Roy is undercover and was in the middle of a sting to take down the drug dealers. Arrow is relieved to see Roy, worried that he may been kidnapped since he hadn't heard from his ward in over a month.

By the end of the issue, Arrow learns the real reason why Roy was in the junkie's den was so he could score some heroin. Arrow is so mortified, he slaps Roy and kicks him out of the house.

Obviously, learning that a loved one is taking drugs is heartbreaking for anyone. What makes this confrontation worse is Arrow didn't consider the possibility that his sidekick could be involved with heroin even when he went AWOL for weeks and was found right smack in the middle of a drug dealer's home.

Arrow was ashamed and felt like he failed himself, not just for letting this happen but because he didn't see it sooner.

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