10 Most Brutal Daredevil Battles In Marvel History

7. Gladiator - Daredevil (Vol. 2) #97

Daredevil Vs Kingpin
Marvel Comics

Melvin Potter's delusional alter-ego, Gladiator, and the Devil of Hell's Kitchen clashed many times in the past, without Murdock claiming victory on each occasion with some effort.

This was not to be the case in the "To The Devil, His Due" storyline where Potter suffers a mental breakdown during his incarceration (this was revealed to be the work of the emotion-manipulating Mister Fear).

Due to his fragile mental state, Potter killed two of his fellow inmates and Matt was called in to serve as his legal counsel. This attempt failed and the villain was broken out of prison by Kingpin and he went on a murderous rampage through Chinatown, even humbling Daredevil in combat by quickly knocking out the bewildered hero.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.