10 Most Brutal Daredevil Battles In Marvel History

6. Elektra - Daredevil (Vol. 1) #179

Daredevil Vs Kingpin
Marvel Comics

Easily Daredevil's most iconic love interest, Elektra Natchios and Matt may truly love one another but her murderous nature and soldier of fortune lifestyle clashes greatly with Murdock's less bloodthirsty approach to crimefighting. While they have been allies numerous times, they have also been foes just as frequently.

Their volatile relationship reached new, unpredictable heights in Frank Miller's seminal run on the Daredevil comics, where Matt was forced to protect journalist Ben Urich from his on-and-off lover.

At the time, Urich was investigating New York City Councilman Randolph Cherryh's ties to Kingpin, and the corrupt duo wasted no time in recruiting Elektra to intimidate the journalist into dropping the story.

Despite the intimidation, Urich (with support from Daredevil) pressed on with his story. Eventually, this forced Elektra to attack the duo and clash with Matt, who she got the better of by using a bear trap and dropping a brick wall on him. After dispatching the hero, she threw a sai at Urich, seemingly killing him.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.