10 Most Brutal Injuries Batman Has Suffered

9. Starvation And Stabbings - Court Of Owls

Batman Injured Thumbnail
DC Comics

It is clear that many villains have learned from bane's example and learned one simple trick to destroying Batman.

To beat the Bat you need to tire him out first, both mentally and physically. Facing the Dark Knight head-on is bound to end in failure so the Court of Owls goes for something much more devious.

The Court itself was already a touchy subject for Bruce as he spent much of his childhood attempting to hunt down the Gotham folktale. To a young Bruce, the Court was behind the deaths of his parents, using the idea of a grand plot against his family to avoid accepting their deaths were a random act of cruelty.

When faced with the Owls as an adult this led to Batman growing increasingly more crazed and hysteric. This caused Bruce to fall into a creepy maze beneath Gotham where he remained lost, without food, for over a week.

As Batman reached the cusp of collapsing from starvation, the Court's assassin, Talon, rose up and stabbed him in the back. What followed was one of the most brutal beatings the Dark Knight has ever suffered.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.