10 Most Brutal Injuries Batman Has Suffered

8. Bashed With A Crowbar - The Dark Knight Returns

Batman Injured Thumbnail
DC Comics

Like Father, like adopted son, the Batfamily can't seem to shake the curse of the crowbar.

The Dark Knight Returns comic is probably more famous for the climactic battle between Superman and Batman, where the full extent of the fight leads to Bruce suffering a heart attack in the heat of battle.

While a heart attack is a truly horrific situation to find yourself, Bruce planned for it to happen and used the opportunity to fake his death.

Before this epic fight, Batman had a somewhat more gruesome encounter with one of the local gang of mutants' leader. During the fight, Batman is beaten within an inch of his life by the large thug which is only made worse when he pulls out a crowbar and proceeds to pummel what is left.

Batman even begins to reminisce about the good old days where Robin used to be his "little monkey wrench" while he slowly loses consciousness. He is only saved by intervention from Carrie Kelly who tended to his various wounds.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.