10 Most Disturbing Scenes In Marvel Comics' Ruins

4. The Kree Being Put On A Cancer-Filled Reservation

Marvel Ruins Spider-Man
Marvel Comics

The Kree are an alien empire that have been in and out of conflict with Earth for years. The Ruins universe is similar in that the Kree are also coming to invade, but during their attempt they ran into an issue. They found the Silver Surfer's body in the planet's orbit, which was giving off a powerful cosmic energy that evidently interfered with the Kree warships' ability to sense a wave of nuclear defense missiles sent by Earth.

90% of the ships were destroyed and the survivors were taken prisoner. Today, the remaining Kree have been placed in an internment camp next to a nuclear testing facility in Nevada, slowly dying of cancer. Since their species has been so ravaged by nuclear exposure, just one in eight of their children is born alive. The decay around them has cursed the Kree to a slow and painful death sentence.

While Phil Sheldon interviews Captain Mar-Vell at this camp, the captain says he has been broken. He once stood against the Kree's will to invade, but now, seeing what Earth has done to his people, he regrets everything.


Sven Engvall is a writer currently residing in the Bay Area. He enjoys reading comics, watching baseball, and writing nonsense on the Internet for fun.