10 Most Disturbing Scenes In Marvel Comics' Ruins

5. Mutants Massacred In Holding Cells

Marvel Ruins Spider-Man
Marvel Comics

In the Ruins universe, the United States is ruled by a leader named President X. This version of Charles Xavier apparently uses his telepathy to pacify dissidence against his rule and as such takes a totalitarian approach to governance. President X has also apparently created a prison for mutants, the conditions of which are obviously horrible.

Phil Sheldon is allowed to see this prison under a guided tour by the warden, Wilson Fisk. Fisk treats his prisoners as sub-human and several of Marvel's mutants are shown in heartbreaking circumstances. Nightcrawler has been reduced to a feral version of himself, Kitty Pryde has become permanently ghostlike, and Cyclops' eyes have been gouged out to prevent his optic blasts. In Marvel's main continuity, this mistreatment of mutants is exactly what the X-Men fight against, but here there are no heroes to fight for basic rights. It hurts to see them subjected to this.

But the most disturbing of all is Quicksilver, who has had his arms and legs severed from his body. It is gruesome for gruesome's sake and shows these prisons are more about torture than anything else.


Sven Engvall is a writer currently residing in the Bay Area. He enjoys reading comics, watching baseball, and writing nonsense on the Internet for fun.