10 Most Disturbing Things The Joker Has Ever Done

1. Played The System

Joker chair Batman Endgame
DC Comics

Batman: White Knight is one of the most interesting Batman/Joker stories of recent years. As part of DC's Black Label, it explores a "What If...?" scenario rather than tell a canonical tale, asking the question: what if the Joker was cured of his insanity?

The answer is: he would play the system, getting into local politics and turning the people of Gotham against the Dark Knight. While running for city councilman, the sane version of Joker (calling himself Jack Napier) successfully renovates the underdeveloped Backport area of Gotham, recruits Batgirl and Nightwing into the Gotham City Police Department, and gets Batman arrested for years of reckless property damage and needless endangerment of citizens.

He also addresses the very fair point that Batman mainly targets lower class criminals, rather than using his power to take down white collar crime.

Although there is the nefarious use of mind control involved in his plot, what is so distressing about White Knight is how it really makes you side with Joker over Batman. Jack Napier truly seems to be a reformed man, whereas Batman is the dangerous one who cannot get over his own personal biases. The very fact that a person, directly responsible for the deaths of so many innocent people, can go on to play the system and successfully run for office is a disturbing reflection of the world's current political situation.

As Batman himself often says: "Joker truly is the Clown Prince of Jerks!"

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How Well Do You REALLY Know The Joker?

Joker DC Comics
Warner Bros.

1. The Joker Is Referred To As The Clown _______ Of Crime.

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Jimmy Kavanagh is an Irish writer and co-founder of Club Valentine Comedy, a Dublin-based comedy collective. You can hear him talk to his favourite comedians about their favourite comics on his podcast, Comics Swapping Comics.