10 Most Disturbing Things The Joker Has Ever Done

7. Gave Monty The Full Monty

Joker chair Batman Endgame
DC Comics

When Joker leaves you in charge of his criminal empire while he's locked away, you had better take very good care of his criminal empire. Otherwise, like his hapless henchman Monty, you might be stripped of all your worldly possessions, even the skin off your back.

In Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo's 2008 graphic novel, simply titled Joker, the titular Joker is lawfully released from Arkham Asylum under mysterious circumstances. What is his first act as a newly free and assumedly reformed man? Why, skinning alive his top employee, of course!

This employee, Monty, had been left to manage Joker's affairs from their base of operations, a strip club know as the Tender Loins. As a reward for this, Joker put him on show on the stage of the club, minus his clothes and minus his skin. Now, that's what I call a Full Monty! (For some strange reason, this dad joke was not used in the book.)

It's obvious that Monty was not a good man or a good employee, but he probably didn't deserve to be skinned alive by his boss. Being a jerk to another jerk still makes you a jerk, Joker!

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Jimmy Kavanagh is an Irish writer and co-founder of Club Valentine Comedy, a Dublin-based comedy collective. You can hear him talk to his favourite comedians about their favourite comics on his podcast, Comics Swapping Comics.