10 Most Disturbing Things The Joker Has Ever Done

4. Bought A Gun And Shot Random People

Joker chair Batman Endgame
DC Comics

In one storyline of Gotham Central, a comic book series centred on the police force of the city Batman calls home, Joker commits one of his scariest crimes to date. Unlike other entries on this list, what makes this so terrifying is not how unthinkably, over-the-top, eccentrically evil it is: it's the fact that it is so simple, and unfortunately, so realistic.

Joker gets a gun, stations himself in a building, and shoots people.

That's it. That's all he does. There's nor rhyme or reason to the targets he chooses to kill, he just wants to cause chaos.

This story serves as both a representation and a biting critique of the wave of mass shootings that have been plaguing the US in recent years. With more mass shootings (a shooting in which four or more people were injured) than days of the year in America last year, gun violence has almost just become another aspect of everyday life. Gotham Central shows us that, at this point, it takes a colourful, eccentric villain like the Joker committing it to make anyone even take notice of it.

It's an all-too-common real life crime, that paints Joker as an all-too-common real life jerk.

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Jimmy Kavanagh is an Irish writer and co-founder of Club Valentine Comedy, a Dublin-based comedy collective. You can hear him talk to his favourite comedians about their favourite comics on his podcast, Comics Swapping Comics.