10 Most Embarrassing Comic Book Deaths

8. Spider-Man (Spectacular Spider-Man #17-20)

Villain Bites
Marvel Comics

Despite being one of the most instantly recognizable superheroes ever created, Spider-Man has had to endure some seriously ridiculous storylines. While the deplorable Clone Saga probably ranks up there for most, let’s not forget 2004’s Changes story arc. In this detestable story a new villain calling herself The Queen has a giant bomb that’s going to kill a lot of people, so naturally various superheroes - including everyone’s favorite web head - try to stop her.

We learn that The Queen has some power over insects or something and that she really wants to jump Spider-Man’s bones. She manages to plant a kiss on Parker during one of their tussles, and infects him with some sort of enzyme that causes him to mutate into a giant man spider creature. Parker sulks around New York for a while, really craving flies, before shacking up with The Queen.

Soon Parker becomes a giant arachnid, and just before The Queen plans to mate with him giant Spider-Parker keels over and dies. The Queen is genuinely devastated over her loss, but her grief is short-lived as the Spider-Parker’s lifeless body begins to convulse violently. In an explosion of green spider goo, a full grown Peter Parker claws his way out of his old mutated spider body, sporting organic web shooters and a bunch of other dumb abilities that writers subsequently forgot about. Let that sink in: Peter Parker turns into a giant spider, dies, and gives birth to himself.


Ryan Lynch is a freelance journalist from the United States. He currently lives in Adelaide, Australia and writes for Adelaide-based music magazine Rip It Up. He wishes he could live like Hank Moody, but he watches too much TV and plays too many videogames to be that nonchalant.