10 Most Emotional Comic Book Moments Of The Decade
5. 'Bros Before Heroes' - Heroes In Crisis
Heroes in Crisis is a funny old comic - beloved by some fans, and despised by others. While it is by no means a perfect series, in terms of looking at superheroes as real people, there aren't many comics that outdo it, which serves to explain why it's so full of emotionally moving gut punches.
The best of these is the one Heroes in Crisis saves for last, when Wally West - the culprit behind the Sanctuary murders - manages to confront his past self at the moment after everything went down, telling him he'd fix everything, and soothing his guilty conscience.
While this is heartwarming enough, it's made ten times more emotional by the assistance of the other heroes the future-Flash is accompanied by, who all also show the suffering speedster their support, including a surprisingly touching moment where Booster Gold exclaims 'bros before heroes' while giving Wally a friendly little fist bump.