10 Most Emotional Spider-Man Stories Ever

6. The Night Gwen Stacy Died - The Amazing Spider-Man #121-122

Spectacular Spider-Man J Jonah Jameson Identity
Marvel Comics

As far as upsetting Spider-Man moments go, The Night Gwen Stacy died will always hold a special spot in the Marvel comic universe - partially because it was the first big death in Spider-Man since Uncle Ben's iconic demise, and partially because it comes so far out of left field nobody could have possibly expected that Marvel were planning to kill her off before the story came out.

It's a story that only feels all the sadder when you come back to it, because so many later series focus so heavily around the suffering that her death creates in everyone who mourns her loss.

Gwen Stacey's death is an integral part of Spider-Man's development because of just how raw his pain is throughout much of the time after her demise, and it translates beautifully into the growth we see in him as he learns to overcome yet another loss of a loved one.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.