10 Most Emotional Spider-Man Stories Ever

5. Spider-Man: Life Story

Spectacular Spider-Man J Jonah Jameson Identity
Marvel Comics

Spider-Man: Life Story is a sort of retrospective attempt to put all the biggest and most vital moments in Peter Parker's life into one series, reframing them to show us the webslinger's life and growth from the beginning of his time as a superhero.

As such, it's hard to pin down one specific emotional moment within it, as the entire series is built wall-to-wall of all the most heartbreaking and powerful moments the franchise has ever brought us.

Which isn't to suggest that Life Story doesn't bring it's own fair share of punches to the gut with it - especially in the last two issues, where they manage to somehow amp the tension up a hundredfold, finishing with perhaps the single strongest ending a Spider-Man series has ever been graced with.

In short, if you need a good sob over the world's favorite spider-person, Life Story is the road to take to an arachnid crying session.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.