10 Most Epic Wonder Woman Fights That Blew Fans' Minds
7. Wonder Woman Versus A Dragon + The Entire Justice League
In the story, JLA: League of One, Delphi the oracle foresees an ancient dragon awakening from its slumber and killing the Justice League. Diana believes this prophecy cannot come to be if the dragon only faces her in battle. Although she tries to convince the League to let her fight the beast alone, Batman refuses. Diana respects Batman's wishes... and then smashes him in the face. She takes out the entire League one-by-one, believing that she is stopping them from meeting their demise against the ancient creature.
When she tracks down the beast's lair, the dragon bathes the Amazonian in a magical flame that destroys anything that harbours impurity. Because all humans possess some impurity (no matter how small), this fire is lethal to anyone.
However, Diana's primary weapon is her Lasso of Truth, which compels the wielder to only see and tell the truth. Using this harness for millennia, Diana has become a beacon of truth and purity, which allows her to pass through the creature's fire unharmed. She ensnares the dragon with the lasso, leaving it vulnerable enough to kill it.