10 Most Epically Disastrous Comic Book Events

8. Secret Invasion

Everyone's a Skrull! But seriously, everyone was a Skrull. It was like a secret terrorist plot in which the alien terrorists who all look like Thanos have secretly been replacing super heroes one by one, systematically infiltrating every important group. Seems cool, but what ended up happening was everyone trying to find some greater purpose for the story to serve other than the good guys eventually winning. That became everyone getting their hopes up that maybe the Steve Rogers who'd been shot after Civil War had been a Skrull, and the real Steve Rogers was being held captive somewhere. But that never happened, (In fact they resolved that story line much worse) and we were left with something we just didn't care about. When we talk about tie ins, you may be quick to say DC has owned that market with Blackest Night and Flashpoint, etc. Oh ho, no, no child. And I thought Civil War had it bad. The Secret Invasion tie in list comes in at one hundred and two. When you need a hundred and two issues of tie ins to guide your eight issue miniseries into "sensible" territory, you lost us at hello.
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Actor, writer, filmmaker, stand up comic, jack of all trades...hopefully master of some. Living the dream, whatever that is, in LA while always sitting in traffic. He's also the co-creator of the comedy group NSFYM (Not Safe For Your Mom). facebook.com/nsfym