10 Most Gruesome Moments In DC History

1. Zod Performs Laser Surgery On Himself - Suicide Squad #18

Joker Face
DC Comics

The entire of Zod's time in the Suicide Squad is violent from start to finish - with him vaporising Captain Boomerang when confronted with the team, and then going on a blood-soaked path of destruction when he is finally forced into the Squad to become Amanda Waller's personal evisceration expert.

But the goriest moment in all of this actually comes from a wound that the Kryptonian inflicts on himself. Eager to get revenge on Waller for trapping him in her collection of enslaved supervillains - but less eager to have his brain blown out by the Kryptonite bomb she placed in his head - Zod uses his heat vision to try and remove the implant from his brain, resulting in some high-level gore.

But Zod is no surgeon, and so the General essentially ends up just cutting a good portion of his own head and brain off. While it's entirely gross, you also can't help but respect Zod just a little bit more after it, simply for the fact he's willing to completely destroy his own brain just to spite someone.

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Justice League DC Rebirth
Ed Benes/DC Comics

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