10 Most Gruesome Moments In DC History

2. Cyborg Is Ripped Apart - Justice League (Vol.2) #23

Joker Face
DC Comics

Perhaps the single most underrated moment of gore in the entire of DC's canon history has to be Cyborg's fate during the Trinity War event, which would see him possessed by the villain known as Grid, a member of the corrupted version of Justice League known as the Crime Syndicate.

While this initially sounds fairly painless, Grid only wanted the robotic parts of Cyborg, meaning that he begins a procedure that strips all the metal off of the hero - ripping out the machinery responsible for keeping him alive. With all of this being joined to Victor's skin and organs, we get to see possibly the single grossest panel in all of DC due to this, as we watch Cyborg essentially be torn apart in excruciating detail right in front of our eyes.

Surreally, this doesn't even end up being a huge moment in regards to the overarching plot, with Cyborg being literally rebuilt from other materials in the next issue we see him in. This in mind, it's super unclear why this moment was included at all, unless it was just to inject a little horror into the series itself.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.