10 Most Heroic Things That Thanos Has Ever Done

7. Being A Superhero - Thanos (Vol. 2) #10

Thanos Avengers
Marvel Comics

Few fans weren't surprised when they opened the pages of Thanos #10 only to be greeted by the villain working happily as the leader of the Avengers.

While it happens in a fake universe crafted by Witches of Infinity to try and win Thanos over, the comic almost purposefully ignores one really important thing - Thanos seems super stoked to be an Avenger. We watch him enjoy his role working alongside them, building friendships with them, and even seemingly get a kick out of saving the day.

Hell, Thanos goes as far as to say that he's "just glad nobody got hurt" after the Avengers fight a villain, which all builds to a pretty strong implication that, as much as Thanos is a dyed-in-the-wool villain, he would also genuinely be a great superhero.

Sure, he smashes a few heads when he discovers the reality he is in is fake, but his violent reaction almost seems a result of the fact that the life he enjoyed turning out to be a carefully made facade. Had he never worked it out, there's a good chance the character would still be a superhero in this false universe, living his absolute best - and most heroic - life.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.