10 Most Heroic Things That Thanos Has Ever Done

6. Saved The World From Annihilus - The Infinity Relativity/ The Infinity Finale

Thanos Avengers
Marvel Comics

One of the weirdest things about Thanos is that, as many times as he's tried to take over the universe and annihilate countless scores of people, he's also been crucial in saving the world about as many times as he's been responsible for trying to end it.

Of all of these times, perhaps the most dramatic is when Thanos teams with pretty much every Marvel hero in existence in order to try and save the universe from Annihilus, one of a handful of villains who is actually more evil than Thanos himself.

While you could say that the Mad Titan is solely motivated by revenge, after a proper read of his arc through the storyline, the whole thing seems a little deeper than that. Though it's clear Thanos also wants to teach Annihilus not to cross him, he's also surprisingly worried about the fate of his world and of those around him. He also shows that he respects the likes of those such as Thor for their battle prowess, even seeming sad when the God of Thunder dies in one of the final battles.


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