10 Most Heroic Things The Joker Has Done

6. Taking Care Of Harley

Joker Batman Europa
DC Comics

Turning someone into stars is rarely heroic, but the Emperor Joker series manages to achieve the impossible, when Joker turning Harley Quinn into a constellation feels almost like a wholesome moment.

After a conversation with DC's most famous sidekick before he ends the world, Joker appears to feel genuine concern for Harley's fate in the upcoming apocalypse, and decides to avoid killing her entirely. Admittedly, this does involve making her into an immovable star trail - which is sort of just killing someone without all the violence - but it's clearly intended as a gesture of respect towards Harley, which is hard to ignore.

It's not exactly romantic, but there's something about the Clown Prince going out of his way to ensure Harley gets to live on that hits you in a part of the heart you didn't even know you had.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.