10 Most Heroic Things The Joker Has Done

5. Saving Batman's Secret Identity

Joker Batman Europa
DC Comics

Often the best and most noble things we do in life are the things we don't tell people about, because these actions are done not for bragging rights, or to gain people's favour, but out of a genuine desire to do good things, and to better the lives of those around us.

While the Joker saves Batman's secret identity in Detective Comics #475 for significantly less well-meaning reasons - mainly so only he can defeat the Dark Knight - it's still undeniably an action that saved many lives. The 'Laughing Fish' storyline involves Joker finding out that Rupert Thorne has discovered that Bruce Wayne is Batman, and that the man intends to use this knowledge in order to have the Bat persecuted for his vigilantism.

The unusual set up leads to the Joker springing to Batman's defence, and not killing Thorne, but instead informing him that letting others know this secret will be at the cost of Rupert's life - a sacrifice the businessman is not willing to make.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.