10 Most Heroic Things The Suicide Squad Have Ever Done
1. Dying To Save The World
Of all the moves regarded as majorly heroic, dying in a brave finale stand to save the world is definitely top of the list. It's the kind of thing we expect from only the most virtuous of heroes, the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman - and yet, in the Convergence Suicide Squad comic, it's an act carried out by a team of villains. While continually sassing each other, sure - but with nothing you wouldn't otherwise hear from a mid-fight Spiderman.
Ironically, the biggest heroic gesture comes from Waller herself, after a surprisingly moving plot twist reveals that she has willingly walked into a trap to blow up the enemy base - with her still inside it. After sending an apology email, no less, just to ice the proverbial heroic cake.
Convergence comics are almost always emotional, but seeing a group of people normally branded as irredeemable bad guys give their lives to protect their home? Well, it's as heroic as it is incredibly sad, as any comic that ends with a memorial statue tends to be.