10 Most Heroic Things The Suicide Squad Have Ever Done

2. Working With The Justice League

Suicide Squad DC rebirth Harley Deadshot Katana
DC Comics

Given each member of the team has a grudge against at least one member of the Justice League, it's mature if not downright heroic of them to join forces to save the world. This is enhanced by the fact that the Squad willingly saves the lives of the heroes several times, which is a pretty kind move from the supposed evil portion of the life-long rivals.

Despite being curb-stomped by the spandex-clad heroes mere pages before, the Squad drop their grudges for the sake of saving the world - because they don't want to die, sure, but also because they're aware that some things are more important than their petty grudges, which is pretty heroic in and of itself.

Although the Justice League will always have the moral higher ground on the Squad, their joined run does show that often very little separates the two when the world has to be saved. Indeed, the surprisingly friendly interactions between hero and villain are some of the most interesting parts of the comic, showing us that all we need to get along with people is a common goal - or, perhaps, a bomb implanted in our frontal lobe.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.