10 Most Heroic Things The Suicide Squad Have Ever Done
9. Taking Down The League Of Assassins
Amanda Waller deserves her place at the top of the governmental food chain, if only because she has sacrificed basically everything normal humans want to get there; friends, family, and a normal sleeping pattern, to name but a few.
That's why her willingly giving up said job - and indeed, her freedom, as she ends up in jail - to take down an organisation about to destroy civilisation shows that Waller is a hero, because she'll be just as willing to sacrifice herself for the common good. It's easy to see her as a monster, given the trials and torments she puts the Suicide Squad through in literally every continuity. Yet, it's almost reasonable, when you see she's just as ready to give everything she holds dear up for the same end goal: saving the day.
Seeing the leader of the Suicide Squad put the safety of a world that has sort of continually screwed her over above the most important thing in her life is one of the more heroic, and one of the more under-looked moments of the Suicide Squad's history.