10 Most Heroic Things The Suicide Squad Have Ever Done

8. Rescuing Brainwashed Kids

Suicide Squad DC rebirth Harley Deadshot Katana
DC Comics

Fighting mind-controlled, super-powered teens to take down an evil dictator is nobody's idea of a relaxing holiday. Yet it's exactly what Captain Boomerang ends up doing, after 'accidentally' being left to die by his teammates - which isn't necessarily evil, as getting as far away from Boomerang as possible seems more a logical move than an immoral one.

Ditched or not, the point still stands that although there is literally no incentive for Harkness to help out, and the potential for him to get blindsided by a magic twelve-year old if he does, the Australian decides to assist in taking the warlord down. Come his reunion with the team, he is immediately picked on for being a good guy deep down, in an unusually touching moment for the Flash villain.

As a character who has been characterised as cowardly and selfish since his creation, this burst of badassery is heroic to say the very least.


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