10 Most Important Events In Batman History

6. The Birth (And Recruitment) Of Damian Wayne - Son Of The Demon/ Batman #657

Batman Black Glove
DC Comics

Although Batman has been the adopted dad of an almost unnerving amount of wards, runaways, and generally unloved kids, him becoming an actual dad in Son of the Demon felt like a significant change, as it would result in him being tasked with a murderous, talented kid who desperately wants to match up to his father's legacy.

Weirdly, this huge plot point would be more or less ignored until some thirty years later, where Damian would be reintroduced into the series, making everyone wonder why Batman's biological child hadn't been used in a plot until now.

But this has been more than made up for since, in a series of stories that masterfully blend having Batman interact with Damian's villainous mother and grandmother, who make up the Al Ghul family, and seeing Bruce and his boy grow as they learn how to work alongside one another, both as father and son and a badass crime fighting duo.


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