10 Most Inappropriate Batman Storylines

8. Ugly = Bad - The Ugliest Man In The World

Batman The Animated Series Batgirl
DC Comics

Going way back to 1940 and Batman #3, the overarching message of one of the issue's stories is that those who aren't viewed by society as classically beautiful are bad people who wish to do bad things.

Said story is titled The Ugliest Man in the World, and the villain of the piece is a fella called Larry Larrimore. In case you hadn't guessed, Larry isn't viewed by the masses as being a particularly handsome or dashing sort. The origin story of Larrimore is that he likes to commit crimes because... well, because he's ugly.

Even though Batman and Robin do eventually end up showing sympathy towards Larry by the end of this tale, The Ugliest Man in the World is a ham-fisted, offensive mess. To add more to the uneasiness of the story, Larrimore's hired goons are all evil due to suffering from congenital iodine deficiency syndrome. For those wondering, yes, that is indeed a very real medical condition - with this story framing those dealing with this issue as clearly being no-good bad guys.

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Senior Writer

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