Seen In: The Millennium 1987 miniseries and The New Guardians, its 1988 follow-up. Quote: "Listen, honey, your old Auntie's here to tell you, sex can be highly overrated! It took me years to figure out what I wanted, so take your time!" Like Tyroc, Extrano was an attempt to diversify the superhero population that went horribly wrong. He was a serious candidate for the first openly gay superhero, which means the bar was already set really low, but even by the standards of the day, he still tripped over it. He was a Peruvian magician with vague, undefined powers and a member of the New Guardians, themselves a collection of barely less offensive stereotypes. His name meant strange in Spanish. You know, like Dr. Strange, but also like queer? He called himself Auntie, dressed in feminine clothing, gave the other team members motherly advice, and generally never met a stereotype he didnt like.
T Campbell has written quite a few online comics series and selected work for Marvel, Archie and Tokyopop. His longest-running works are Fans, Penny and Aggie-- and his current project with co-writer Phil Kahn, Guilded Age.